‘Entering Out’
on Canvas
‘Entering Out’ 2022 is an acrylic on canvas painting. In true Kitty Style, I wanted to start a large project with this my debut piece. The project was going to be an introspective look on mental health and social constructs with the sole focus of the project on a Magpie and a Crow to represent two aspects of my inner self. This first painting was my love child to the experience of true introspection; the entering into ones mind, hypnotism, falling. The deep blue cavern in which Magpie looks into is the start to the world in which they ere about to embark upon. Subtle signals like the construction sign behind Magpie represent the endeavours ahead, with the bright white washed exterior light being blocked from view so you feel uncertain of wether you’re in or out of this metaphorical world.
However, after this first piece I lost interest in the project and now remains the remnants of this project. Who knows, in future, I may pick up the pieces and enter this wild world once again, but for now this is a stand alone piece, full of small details and different painting styles.
want it? it’s yours, contact me here for more